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Window replacement is one of the most significant investments homeowners can make. Ugly, drafty windows rob homes of beauty and comfort and can also eat up energy.

Window Replacement

When the time comes to replace your home’s windows, you have many options. Two of the most popular are full-frame and pocket installation. Contact Your Home Exterior Solutions for professional help.

When you’re ready to order replacement windows, it’s important to finalize your measurements. Use the shortest measurements for height and width, and round them down to the nearest one-eighth of an inch (if your original measurements were already in one-eighth-inch increments, you don’t need to make any adjustments). Use these final numbers as your guide when evaluating window options and placing your order. It’s essential to measure each window individually; relying on measurements for similar windows in different rooms can lead to incorrect sizes, which can cause faulty installation, leaks, and crooked windows.

Start by removing any curtains, blinds, or other window treatments. Next, clear the window sill of any debris and clean it thoroughly with a wet cloth or sponge. Finally, remove any hardware from the window, such as pulleys or parting strips.

To measure for width, position the tape measure across the inside of the window jambs at the widest point in three locations-at the bottom, middle, and top. Circle the smallest measurement for your width size. To measure for height, extend the tape measure from the sill to the top inside trim of the window at the left, middle, and right sides, circling the shortest measurement for your height size.

Depending on the type of window you choose, you may also need to determine the depth of the existing window frame. To do this, measure from the back of the inside window trim to the front of the outside trim along the head jamb in three locations-at the bottom, middle, or top. Use the smallest measurement as your depth size.

It’s important to note that you should never use the depth measurement taken with a replacement window. The reason is that a new window must be larger than the old one in order to fit into the existing space. A window should fit into the frame with at least 3-1/4 inches of room on each side. This allows for installation and removal of the window, as well as the installation of new insulation and drywall around the replacement window.


Window replacement is an opportunity for homeowners to boost their home’s value, enhance the look of their residence, and address specific issues such as water infiltration or inadequate insulation. Whether your current windows are warped, cracked, or just outdated, replacing them will give you many benefits for years to come.

Choosing the right window materials for your project requires careful consideration. You will want to choose a material that can stand up to your region’s climate conditions and provide the level of performance you require. Some popular options include vinyl, wood, and composite materials.

A window replacement expert can help you determine the best choice for your home. A reputable company will have experience and expertise with both traditional and newer materials, so they can advise you on the pros and cons of each option.

You will also want to consider the overall design of your home and whether you want to match your windows with the rest of the house’s aesthetics. Some companies offer custom window styles to allow you to achieve a uniform look throughout your home.

The material used to create the frames of your new windows will affect how they operate and how insulated they are. For example, some modern windows have a double-layered frame with an inert gas such as argon or krypton between the layers. This improves the insulating properties of the glass while maintaining a clear view through the window.

Wood windows are a popular choice for their natural beauty and insulating properties. However, wood must be periodically sealed and painted to prevent rot and sun damage. Aluminum-clad wood units are an alternative that combines the strength of aluminum with the durability and appearance of wood. These are available in a variety of stain-quality finishes to match the style of your home.

Lastly, there are composite units that combine the strength of wood with fiberglass and/or plastic. This type of window is a great solution for historic buildings and meets the demands of many design specifications. Some of the major window manufacturers offer composite units including Owens Corning and Marvin.


The biggest challenge of window replacement isn’t installing the new window; it’s preparing the existing frame for installation. Whether you’re doing a pocket install or a full-frame replacement, the old windows must be removed and the opening must be cleaned to remove paint, mortar, and debris. The opening must also be square and plumb. If it’s not, you will have to shim the frame and add wood boards or drywall to correct the problem.

If your house is older and the frame is in poor condition, then a full-frame replacement might be a better option. This involves removing the whole frame including the head jamb, side jambs and sill. Then a new frame is installed with insulation and trim. This method is more expensive because it requires more materials and labor. However, it gives you more design options because the window can be built into a new frame that matches the style of your home.

Regardless of what type of replacement you choose, make sure the installers use a good quality insulating foam to fill the gaps around the window. This helps the frame to fit tightly and reduces air leakage. It also keeps water from seeping into the frame and causing mold and wood damage.

When a replacement window is installed, it’s important to ensure that the frame is square and level. To do this, measure diagonally from the corners of the frame to be sure they are equal. Once the window is in place, loosely fasten it with screws through the upper left and lower right screw holes. Shim the frame if necessary and drive the screws through the shims to keep them from splitting or moving.

To prepare the window opening, apply a bead of silicone caulk to the exterior casing and sill plate and to the interior stop, sash and parting stop. Then apply a second bead to the top and sides of the frame. If there are any gaps larger than 1/4 inch, fill them with elastomeric caulk or expanding foam. Also, spray foam can be injected into the existing fiberglass in the sash-weight pockets to help the windows stay in place.


As time goes by, it’s important to keep windows clean and inspect them for any signs of deterioration. This will help prolong the lifespan of the window, prevent energy loss, and improve its overall performance. It’s also a good idea to look at the surrounding areas of each window, including any crevices, holes, or seams that might need to be sealed or caulked.

When a window begins to show signs of wear and tear, it may be time to consider replacing it. Window replacement can provide a number of benefits, such as improved energy efficiency, an upgraded exterior design, and better security. Newer windows are more effective at keeping out moisture, which can lead to rot and mold.

Depending on the condition of the existing frame, full-replacement might be necessary. This is typically the case when the frame is severely deteriorated, or if it contains wood rot and insect infestation. It can be difficult to replace old-fashioned wooden frames, but it’s a much simpler task with vinyl, aluminum, or fiberglass.

Another indicator that it’s time to consider replacing your windows is if they become hard to open and close. Over time, sash locks can deteriorate and cause friction that makes it hard to operate the window. Window seals can also degrade, allowing air to seep in and reducing the home’s energy efficiency.

A final sign that it’s time to replace your windows is if you notice cracks or chips in the glass, trim, or frames. Cracks are usually caused by thermal stress or pressure changes. These cracks will often start at the edges of the window and then slowly move inward. Hairline cracks can be repaired with a special window repair kit, which can be found at most hardware stores. If you’re noticing damage to your windows, it’s a good idea to contact a professional for an assessment and recommendation.