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Hardwood Floor Refinishing Bergen County NJ is a great way to breathe new life into old wood furniture. But before you can start working, preparing the workspace is essential.


Refinishing requires several days of drying and curing time, so it’s important to plan. Consider relocating essential items to another part of your home or making arrangements for temporary living or sleeping accommodations.

Creating the perfect workspace will make all the difference in your furniture refinishing success. It will help you stay organized, save time and reduce frustration.

First, the work area needs to be completely clear. This means moving everything out of the room, including other furniture. It is also important to remove pictures and wall hangings from the walls. You should also move clothing from closets in the work area and clear off any countertops.

Also, you should cover any windows and doors in the work area with plastic tarps. This will prevent any dust from getting into other areas of your home during the refinishing process.

Finally, it is a good idea to keep a trash can or receptacle nearby for disposing of scrap wood, old paint brushes and rags. You will also want to have a plan in place for where you’ll store your tools and general materials during the refinishing process. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything and that you have a place for everything when you’re finished. Also, it’s a good idea to have a container in which you can store your mineral spirits (mineral oil) because this product is highly flammable and needs to be stored securely.

Vacate the Room

Refinishing entails sanding, which will create dust. It’s impossible to avoid the dust altogether, but you can help minimize it by moving all furniture and rugs out of the room being worked on. In addition, it’s a good idea to take down wall hangings and cover windows with plastic tarps. This will keep the dust from blowing into other parts of your house.

Once the sanding is complete (which can take 2+ days depending on the size of your space), it’s time to stain. You’ll want to talk with your floor guys ahead of time about what type of stain you like and ask if they have samples that you can test on your floors. This will save you time and money – you don’t have to buy a large bottle of stain that you don’t really love.

Staining typically takes a few days, and you’ll need to wait at least a couple of days before returning rugs and furniture. This will give the finish time to completely dry and set before you walk on it or move your furniture. This is especially important if you’re using an oil-based polyurethane, which will take longer to fully cure than water-based stains.

Protect Other Areas of Your Home

Refinishing is a messy job, and dust and fumes can be spread to other areas of the house. To keep this from happening, use plastic sheeting or tarps to seal off the room where the work is being done. Covering windows and doors is also important to keep the dust from spreading.

Pets should be kept out of the work area and from entering through doorways. They are apt to enter the area out of curiosity and may be coated in wet adhesives or coatings. Cleaning these off their paws or skin requires unpleasant solvents, which can cause them discomfort for several days. If possible, have pets stay with family or friends during floor refinishing to avoid this.

Furniture, furnishings, and wall hangings should be removed from the rooms where refinishing is being done. They can become a projecting hazard during the process and can be tossed around or scratched by the sanding machines. Shelves and counters should be cleared as well to prevent items from falling during refinishing. Closets should be emptied and any items stored away to reduce clutter and make room for the work.

After refinishing, it is a good idea to apply a high-quality protective sealer to your hardwood floors. This will help to protect them from damage, prolong their life, and enhance the beauty of your home. The sealer should be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and it is a good idea to wait a few days before walking on or moving furniture back into the area. This will allow the sealer to dry completely and minimize any odors that may be present. It is a good idea to do any painting or woodwork touch-ups first before refinishing your hardwood floors.

Make Arrangements for Pets & Children

Pets are an integral part of many homeowners’ lives, but they can also put a lot of wear and tear on hardwood floors. From scratches to stains, pet-related damage is a common issue. However, with a few proactive steps and regular maintenance, pets and hardwood can coexist peacefully.

It’s a good idea to make arrangements for your children and pets during the refinishing process. The noise, fumes and open containers of products can be stressful for them. They may even need to be temporarily moved to another area of your home, if possible. If that’s not an option, consider asking a friend or family member to take them for the duration of the project.

If you are concerned about your pet’s safety or well-being during the refinishing process, you can ask your vet for recommendations or contact local animal shelters for temporary care. You could also ask a trusted caretaker to board your pet or, if you have a will or living trust in place, leave the pet and funds for its future care in that document.

Be sure to include a picture of your pet with this plan, along with a list of its dietary needs and other special requirements. You’ll also want to include a emergency supplies kit that includes pet food, water, plastic bags, paper towels and household chlorine bleach for sanitation purposes. If you have a portable cage for your pet, it’s a good idea to bring it with you during the refinishing process. This will keep it away from the work area and protect it from any drips or spills that might occur.

Proper Ventilation

Ventilation is an important factor in creating a safe and comfortable working environment. It helps to control indoor humidity levels, remove stale air, and keep airborne contaminants at bay. Whether you’re a contractor or DIYer, implementing proper ventilation in your workspace will help minimize the risk of exposure to harmful substances and ensure compliance with occupational health and safety standards.

When refinishing, it’s crucial to have proper ventilation in your workspace to prevent toxic fumes and odors from lingering in the air. This also helps to ensure that hazardous materials are removed from the work area and don’t reach other areas of the building or occupants.

To help control humidity and eliminate lingering odors, dehumidifiers and air purifiers can be utilized in your workspace to help reduce moisture and allergens in the air. Additionally, you can use fans to help circulate air and promote the removal of pollutants from the workspace.

In addition to ensuring that there’s sufficient airflow, you should always wear a respirator when applying stain or paint. These are available at most hardware stores and online, and they’re the best way to protect your lungs from the chemicals used in refinishing.

Lastly, be sure to open windows and doors in the room that you’re working on so that fresh air can circulate. Closed doors will cut off the flow of air, preventing solvent odors from being exhausted and potentially entering connected rooms.